
After 10 days of abundantly nourishing and intentionally clearing toxins from the body, our participants report feeling younger, lighter, clearer, more joyful, and rejuvenated!

Anna’s 10 Day Detox

Saturday July 13 - Monday July 22, 2024

Saturday January 11 - Monday January 20, 2025

Saturday July 12 - Monday July 21, 2025

This detox program, originally written by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., allows the body to begin clearing out cellular level toxins and pathogens that accumulate from our environment, food, water, clothing, cleaning supplies, and beauty products. These toxins and pathogens wreak havoc on our bodies’ ability to thrive. When we cleanse and detoxify our cells, we find ourselves on a path to optimal health. When we incorporate the process of detoxification into our lives, we can enjoy health and vitality for the rest of our lives.

Schedule a free 15-minute call with Anna to learn more.


Online platform
Private online community
Recipe book
Daily schedule
Live Q&A sessions
22 curated videos featuring Anna Chaney, FNP
and Chef Rebecca Feldman, CINC

30 Days of Preparation

Prepare yourself, your family, and pantry for the 10 days of detox

10 Days of Detoxification

Eat abundantly - whole foods and specific supplements that foster detox success

9 Days of Reintegration

Reintroduce the eliminated foods and learn how your body responds