Wedding Story: Josh & Michelle Lansberg

Small and local were the two elements that Josh and Michelle Lansberg were looking for in a wedding venue.

As two single parents who connected on Bumble in the fall of 2018 and got engaged in November 2020, they knew they didn’t want anything fancy or elaborate, but they did want their wedding to be meaningful.


Their first date was at Brick Wood Fired Bistro in Prince Frederick, and Michelle was struck by the fact that Josh paid for their meal and even Venmoed babysitter money to her after the date.

They combined their families in September 2019, just a few months before the start of the pandemic, and they described lockdown as “chaos”. At the same time, they knew that if they could deal with a global pandemic together, they would be able to handle anything that came their way after that.


They had already decided to live in Josh’s Lothian home right down the road from Honey’s Harvest Farm, and Michelle had done the 10 Day Detox program with Anna, so she reached out to see if they could have their wedding at the barn. Dreaming about her wedding vibe, she recalls, “I just wanted something that was very low-key, small, but meaningful.”

Josh adds, “It was a great decision to go to a local place that we found that was just awesome. There was so much uniqueness about Honey’s Harvest and the owner. A local created that [space], and she put a lot of thought into how that place was done. It wasn’t some commercialized spot that you go to where it’s a get ‘em in, get ‘em out type thing. And she’s a staple in the community. Everybody knows Anna. She’s got a great reputation, and that’s what’s so cool about doing that locally.”


Josh and Michelle got married at Honey’s Harvest Farm on January 21, 2021, and Michelle’s 11-year-old son walked her down the aisle. Michelle’s advice to those planning a wedding is, “Make sure that you spend the money on the things that are the most important [to you].”

The Lansbergs feel like VIPs at Honey’s Harvest Farm. Michelle says, “We get to drive by where we got married all the time, and not a lot of people can say that. We kind of feel like we’re local celebrities a little bit.”

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